La magia del granito, la forza del vento, voglio che sia cosi' il paradiso...

La magia del granito, la forza del vento, voglio che sia cosi' il paradiso...
Capo Testa.....

martedì 1 marzo 2011

salty tears

night envolves me,
breathe stops and stars begin to fade
while my eyes drown in a flood of tears....
 i am tasting you together withmy salty tears...
the only sweetness that can mitigate the bitter of my soul

1 commento:

  1. Do I dare disturb
    the sleeping stars
    at midnight ?
    Raindrops are dancing
    on my blue silk umbrellasky
    It's time to dream youLove
    crossing the darkness
    until the moon will say bye
    and a new day will wake up
    to go on living a bittersweet dream
    on the street of my life.

